
Seamless creation of tags directly from an input field.

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January 7, 2017 Edwin Velazquez


TaggableInput is a javascript library that allows for the seamless creation of tags directly from an input field. Tags are created in realtime without the need to break the user flow. TaggableInput can be attached to forms for an easy way to submit dynamic input where the number of values are dictated by users instead of being predefined.


TaggableInput allows for the seamless creation of tags directly from an input field.

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Getting Started

A TaggableInput is created either by adding the class ‘taggable-input’ to an HTML DOM element and passing the parameters through data attributes or by using the javascript API.

  <div class='taggable-input' data-delimiter data-editable data-draggable data-removable data-close >
  new TaggableInput ( container, { delimiter, editable, draggable, removable } );
  • container ( required ) - An HTMLElement or a string containing the Id of the DOM element where the input will append.
  • delimiter ( optional ) - A string, numerical keycode, or an array of string or keycodes that, upon typing, triggers the creating of a tag. The default value is ’ ‘.
  • editable ( optional ) - If set to true, a tag can be edited in place. The default value is false.
  • draggable ( optional ) - If true tags can be dragged and rearranged by users. The default value is true.
  • close ( optional ) - If set to true, tags are removable upon clicking an x marker. The default value is true.
  • closeElement ( optional ) - An HTMLElement or a string representation of an element to replace the starndard close element. Can be used to change the close element ot an icon.
  • tagClass ( optional ) - A string containing a class name to replace the default class for each tag.
  var tinput = new TaggableInput( 'tinput', {
    draggable: false,
    delimiter: [ ',', ' ' ]


  • add ( tags ) - Adds non-empty tags.
    • tags ( required ) - Strings containing the text inside the tag.
  taggableInput.add( 'Is', 'it', 'me', 'you', 'are', 'looking', 'for', '?'  );
  • remove ( matcher ) - Removes tags from an input and returns the DOM elements.
    • matcher ( required ) - The zero-based index, regex, string representation of a tag.
  taggableInput.remove( 2 );
  taggableInput.remove( 'code' );
  taggableInput.remove( /javascript|ruby/ );
  • pop - Removes the last tag and returns the DOM element removed.
  • tags ( matcher ) - Returns an array of HTMLElements, specified by the matcher . If the matcher is omitted, returns all tags in the given input.
    • matcher ( optional ) - The zero-based index, regex, string representation of a tag.
  taggableInput.tags( /code/ );
  • values ( matcher ) - Returns an array of strings specified by the matcher. If the matcher is omitted, returns all tags in the given input.
    • matcher ( optional ) - The zero-based index, regex, or string representation of a tag.
  taggableInput.values( 3 );


Events allow for the modification and manipulation of tags before and after insertion. They can be used to validate label and changing labels appearance by manipulating the DOM element.

  • beforeInsert ( text ) - Executes before a tag is inserted. To prevent the insertion of a tag, set the function to returns false. To change the tag’s text, return a string with the desired text;
    • text ( String ) - The text inside the tag.
  taggableInput.beforeInput = function( text ) {
    text = text.trim();
    if( text.length ) return text;
    return false;
  • afterInsert ( tag, text, index) - Executes after a tag is inserted.
    • tag ( HTMLElement ) - The newly added DOM element.
    • text ( String ) - A string representation of the tag.
    • index ( Number ) - The zero-based index.
  taggableInput.afterInput = function( tag, text, index ) {
    if ( parseInt( text ) ) return;
    tag.className += ' number-warning';

Using TaggableInput with forms

TaggableInput can be used to pass tag values with through forms. The library will detect the input field’s name attribute and create a hidden input field for each tag created. Re-arranging tags will change the index of the hidden input fields allowing for the sending of tags in the order they appear.

  <input type="text" name="foo" class="taggable-input" values="foo1,foo2,foo3" /> 
  var textbox = document.querySelector('input[name=foo]');
  var taggableInput = TaggableInput( textbox, { values: [ 'foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3' ] } );


TaggableInput is fully customizable. You can set a custom class to add to each tag opening up the possibility to use external CSS to style tags.

  <div class='taggable-input' data-tag-class='label'  >

You can also replace the default close button by passing the closeElement option to the API.

  var taggableInput = TaggableInput( 'awesome-tag', { closeElement: "<i class='fa fa-close'></i>" } );

The orientation of TaggableInput can be changed by adding the ti-vertical class the target HTML element.

  <div class='taggable-input ti-vertical' >


Below are some examples along with the code that created them.

  <div class='taggable-input' data-close='false' data-values="Is,it,me,you,are,looking,for ?"></div>

  <div class='taggable-input ti-vertical' data-delimiter='13'  data-values="Westworld, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Wire"> </div>


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/edwinv710/Tag2Input. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The library is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.