September 3, 2017 Edwin Velazquez

SDL2 TileEngine

SDL2 TileEngine is a multi-layered tile-map engine for the creation of games using Haskell's SDL2 library. SDL2 Tile Engine also supports importing CSV layers supported by popular tile map editors like Tiled.

January 7, 2017 Edwin Velazquez


TaggableInput is a JavaScript library that allows for the seamless creation of tags directly from any input field. Create tags in real-time without the need to break the user flow. Attach TaggableInput to forms for an easy way to submit dynamic inputs where the numbers of values are not predefined.

December 7, 2016 Edwin Velazquez


EmbedConsole is a JavaScript library that embeds a JavaScript developer console, similar to those that come with most modern browsers development tools, directly on any page. Users can communicate with an application directly using JavaScript, displaying the result of the code execution in real-time. It is a great way to interact with API's or displaying feedback through JavaScript.

November 21, 2016 Edwin Velazquez

Sanitizing User-generated Inputs

Every user-generated input is an opening that will eventually be exploited. Even though modern web applications have more openings to potentially attack, the attention given to safely handling user-generated data has decreased. This can be seen as a byproduct of the ever-increasing complexities of modern web applications, and the limited amount of mental resources available to allocate to each part of an application. The rise of web development frameworks is also to blame. By managing many of our security concerns, they create an abstraction between logic and the developer. This abstraction can create a false sense of security diverting developer’s mental resources to other areas of the application.

October 10, 2016 Edwin Velazquez

Active Record Pitfalls

I will start by saying that I LOVE Active Record. I love the ease of mind that comes with not having to decide from the onset what technologies drive the database layer of my application. I LOVE the ability to grab and manipulate data from the database using pure ruby, freeing my mind from having to shift between two different modes of thinking. I LOVE all the tools provided by such a mature ORM. While there is much to love about Active Record, the very things we love creates a false sense of confidence, allowing us to fall into bad habits that plague our applications.

January 5, 2016 Edwin Velazquez

CloudConvert-Ruby Gem

CloudConvert-Ruby is a ruby wrapper for the Cloud Convert API. It takes an object-oriented approach to using the API, allowing you to quickly execute, save, and access your conversions. File uploads are preprocess and manage by the gem.

December 15, 2015 Edwin Velazquez

Twilio's REST API on AWS Lambda

When learning any technology, I believe in tackling a project that is simple yet functional. A project that can be further expanded in countless ways after completion. This philosophy leads us to the problem we are trying to solve. For a moment, let’s imagine this scenario. We are signing up for a service that requires a text message for authentication but we do not feel comfortable giving them our personal cell phone number. To solve this problem, we decide to create a temporary phone number and create an application that routes all messages received from our temporary number to our personal number.

December 12, 2015 Edwin Velazquez

JQuery Poker Card

The jQuery Poker Card plugin that creates dynamic poker cards. Creating cards as a plug-in allows us to leverage the power of jQuery to manipulate them for many uses. It is a smaller part of a bigger project and will change as the requirements of the main project changes.

November 21, 2016 Edwin Velazquez

Sanitizing User-generated Inputs

Every user-generated input is an opening that will eventually be exploited. Even though modern web applications have more openings to potentially attack, the attention given to safely handling user-generated data has decreased. This can be seen as a byproduct of the ever-increasing complexities of modern web applications, and the limited amount of mental resources available to allocate to each part of an application. The rise of web development frameworks is also to blame. By managing many of our security concerns, they create an abstraction between logic and the developer. This abstraction can create a false sense of security diverting developer’s mental resources to other areas of the application.

October 10, 2016 Edwin Velazquez

Active Record Pitfalls

I will start by saying that I LOVE Active Record. I love the ease of mind that comes with not having to decide from the onset what technologies drive the database layer of my application. I LOVE the ability to grab and manipulate data from the database using pure ruby, freeing my mind from having to shift between two different modes of thinking. I LOVE all the tools provided by such a mature ORM. While there is much to love about Active Record, the very things we love creates a false sense of confidence, allowing us to fall into bad habits that plague our applications.

December 15, 2015 Edwin Velazquez

Twilio's REST API on AWS Lambda

When learning any technology, I believe in tackling a project that is simple yet functional. A project that can be further expanded in countless ways after completion. This philosophy leads us to the problem we are trying to solve. For a moment, let’s imagine this scenario. We are signing up for a service that requires a text message for authentication but we do not feel comfortable giving them our personal cell phone number. To solve this problem, we decide to create a temporary phone number and create an application that routes all messages received from our temporary number to our personal number. Twitter Github


My name is Edwin Velazquez and I am a Web Developer from Brooklyn, NY. I started my path toward becoming a software developer at the age of eight. I instantly fell in love with the process of creation and as I dove deeper, that love became a passion. I am a big believer in the beginner`s mind. It allowed me to pursue my career with the same youthful passion that I felt when coding was a hobby and not job.


Below are some of the projects I have worked on throughout my professional career.

  • h5Player API:

    An API for the Waywire`s primary video player, the h5Player. The h5Player allows users to play videos from different sources, like Youtube, Vimeo, AOL, end others, directly from one centralized HTML5 player. The API allows customers to create, interact, and control the player directly using JavaScript. I worked on all aspects of creation, from the planning process to creation.

    • JavaScript
    • NodeJs
  • Waywire Enterprise:

    A video curation platform that allows consumers to share find, share, and manage videos across many video distribution platforms including YouTube, Vimeo, and many others. I worked as a full-stack developer on projects to improve their data API, the admin back-end system, and consumer facing video management system. I worked with technologies such as Perl, MySQL, Mojolicious, and AWS.

    • Perl
    • MySQL
    • JavaScript
    • AWS ( EC2, S3, Cloudfront )
  • Concept Focus:

    A survey management tool that allows businesses to receive feedback about their products or ads directly from consumers. Businesses can crowd-source the A/B testing allowing for quick and accurate observations. It is part of a number of tools used by Buzzback. The development stack is composed of Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL. The application is deployed and maintained on AWS EC2 instances. My responsibilities spanned the full-stack working as the primary back-end developer.

    • Ruby on Rails
    • PostgreSQL
    • JavaScript
    • AWS ( EC2, S3, Cloudfront )
  • App Academy Mobile Application Submission:

    Samsung Mobile App Academy is a six-week program spanning six different cities with a goal of exposing High School students to mobile application development. After the program, students submit a completed mobile application for a chance to win over $35,000 in scholarships. I developed the application that allowed students to submit the completed mobile application together with other documents. I also developed the application that allowed the contest judges to view, rate, and select the winners of the scholarships.

    • Ruby on Rails
    • PostgreSQL
    • Heroku
    • JavaScript
    • AWS ( S3 )
  • Buynanance:

    A funding platform that connects small business owners with approved lenders based on their financial history. The development stack was composed of Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and Redis. The application was deployed and maintained on Heroku. As the main developer on the project, my responsibilities spanned the entirety of the stack. On the front-end, I used HTML and CSS to produce pages based on PSD mock-ups. On the back-end, I created all the functionalities that allowed the connection between customers and lenders.

    • Ruby on Rails
    • PostgreSQL
    • Heroku
    • JavaScript
    • Twilio
  • Grubraise:

    Stemmed out of the idea of fixing school fund-raising. The aim is to connected restaurants to local schools and provided them with the opportunity to use each other`s reach for mutual benefit. Whenever someone shops at an affiliated restaurant through this program, the school associated with that restaurant would receive a portion of the funds for that order. The restaurants would benefit from clients that would otherwise dine somewhere else while schools obtained the much-needed funding.

    • Ruby on Rails
    • PostgreSQL
    • Heroku
    • JavaScript
September 3, 2017 Edwin Velazquez

SDL2 TileEngine

SDL2 TileEngine is a multi-layered tile-map engine for the creation of games using Haskell's SDL2 library. SDL2 Tile Engine also supports importing CSV layers supported by popular tile map editors like Tiled.

January 7, 2017 Edwin Velazquez


TaggableInput is a JavaScript library that allows for the seamless creation of tags directly from any input field. Create tags in real-time without the need to break the user flow. Attach TaggableInput to forms for an easy way to submit dynamic inputs where the numbers of values are not predefined.

December 7, 2016 Edwin Velazquez


EmbedConsole is a JavaScript library that embeds a JavaScript developer console, similar to those that come with most modern browsers development tools, directly on any page. Users can communicate with an application directly using JavaScript, displaying the result of the code execution in real-time. It is a great way to interact with API's or displaying feedback through JavaScript.

January 5, 2016 Edwin Velazquez

CloudConvert-Ruby Gem

CloudConvert-Ruby is a ruby wrapper for the Cloud Convert API. It takes an object-oriented approach to using the API, allowing you to quickly execute, save, and access your conversions. File uploads are preprocess and manage by the gem.

December 12, 2015 Edwin Velazquez

JQuery Poker Card

The jQuery Poker Card plugin that creates dynamic poker cards. Creating cards as a plug-in allows us to leverage the power of jQuery to manipulate them for many uses. It is a smaller part of a bigger project and will change as the requirements of the main project changes.